Daily Decrease in Archery


Besides archery, I’m have been training in the martial arts for the past 20 years, first in Tae Kwon Do, then in Kickboxing and Iaido (Samurai Sword). In the martial arts, Bruce Lee has to be one of the most quoted people and most of the time they get the quote wrong or they misinterpret it.

One “mantra” that he had was “Daily Decrease”. People took this to mean to train in less each day. But what he really meant and it applies to archery is that each day you should strive to eliminate something that you’re doing that hurts your performance. Instead of approaching your training as trying to “get better”, you should focus your training on Eliminating the “holes” in your technique. This is how you will become better. 

Jimmy Johnson, the Football coach has said that it is not always the team that makes the biggest plays that wins games, but the team that makes the fewest mistakes. That he would rather have a team that made the least mistakes than one that made the big ones and gave up the big ones too. People and teams lose more often due to mistakes than they win due to making the big play or shot.

Next time you train, go into it with the attitude of “daily decrease”.